Friday, September 14, 2012

Sheikh Mirza Mazhar Jaan-i-Jaanaan (d. 1195 AH)

Deevaan-e-Mirza Mazhar wa Khareeta-e-Jawaahir (Farsi and Urdu)*:
[ Date uploaded: September 14, 2012 ]

-- * This is a rare collection of Sufi poetry (Divan) of the great Naqshbandi Sufi master and shaykh Mirza Mazhar Jaan-i-Jaanaan (d. 1195 AH). It also contains Khareeta-e-Jawahir, a collection of interesting Persian poems collected by Hazrat Mirza Mazhar, who was also one of the first poets of modern Urdu and a short collection of his Urdu poems is attached in the end. Maktabah Mujaddidiyah is much pleased to have been able to acquire this precious book and digitize it for the benefit of the lovers of Naqshbandi tariqa. Pages: 200 Foreword by Dr. Ghulam Mustafa Khan Published in 1988 by Al-Mustafa Academy, Hyderabad Digitized by Maktabah Mujaddidiyah ( March 2012 Urdu: دیوان میرزا مظھر جان جانان شھید رحمۃ اللہ علیہ، مع خریطۂ خواھر اور کچھ اردو کلام